There’s finally a new prophet in Israel. Who was reborn on the day of the blood moon. That’s when he decided to go on a journey in the name of God To preach the Gospel of Peace.
At a time, when the hatred seems to increase each day
Let’s remember GOD once more and follow his commandments.
The time has come to redeem ourselves, because the sins of the world are grave.
Hear what he has to say to us: Man and woman will despise your faith. They will mock this gospel; they will deny it. Know this my son, many will call in the name of GOD, but few will be saved for their hearts are far from him.
Be sure to know, the people are not spiritual, they are a lovers of the materials. They seek what to eat but don't know they will poop it out later the day, it has no value. Only the spirit that lives inside. will stay forever and tomorrow it will rise again.
It’s only the true love for each other and the Father in Heaven will bring you the redemption, You’ve been waiting for over the years.
על נתן אור בן צבי

נתן אור בן צבי, יליד 1991, נולד בשם אור. בגיל 10 חזר בתשובה ואימו חלמה שסבו, בנימין אמבא ז״ל, קרא לו בשם נתן אור. לאחר לימודים בישיבת הסדר יצא בשאלה עם תהיות רבות על הדת ועל מהותה בחייו הפרטיים. בעל ... עוד >>
מאת: נתן אור בן צבי
מעברית: Thomas Horton | הוצאה: הוצאה עצמית | אוקטובר 2023 | 120 עמ'
מקט: 001-3530-010
Babashuva A. Chapter 1
1 It was dusk, and the moon was bloody; And here comes the night of the bloody moon. 2. In the days of Trump, He is Donald John Trump, the president of the United States. 3 And the country's inhabitants lived in the days of Trump for 120 years. And in those days, Binyamin Netanyahu served, in Israel when was seventy years old. 5 And Israel will certainly live, and her enemies will not let her stand. 6 And Israel is the most hated of all countries, and her enemies want her land. 7 The Jews live in the Land of Israel; they prosper and succeed in everything they do. 8 But the people are divided, and hatred and division reign among them. 9 The Gaza City is held captive by Hamas; they have harmed the Land of Israel for 20 years, and the state is as still as stone. 10 The moon was stained with blood, and they did not return to their God. 11 Because God hurt them, they did not remember him. 12 They disbelieve God and turned from his ways, and there was no longer a prophet in Israel. 13 I am 27 years old; A male child to the elders. 14 An innocent man who seeks God; Seeks justice and peace, wisdom, and love. 15 My name you didn't know; As an angel, I will hide my face from you. 16. The Spirit of God fell on my face as I sat in the desert. 17 And the hand of God touched and comforted me because now the word of God is in my mouth.
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