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Where Did Daddy’s Laugh Go

הוצאה: | 2013 | 12 עמ'
הספר זמין לקריאה במכשירים:


רכשו ספר זה:

“Why, Mommy, why? Why can’t I have friends over like everyone else? Why do all the other fathers laugh and play with the children, and Daddy doesn’t? Why doesn’t Daddy ever come to parties in the kindergarten?”

Through the eyes of a child, Lea Zvi describes a painful problem, which affects many  thousands of families in war-torn countries.

“An amazing, moving and touching story, which skillfully describes the phenomenon of post-trauma through the young, innocent eyes of a boy of six. Post-trauma has extensive consequences. The impact of the disease affects all members of the household, and coping with it is no simple matter. This extremely important and valuable book provides a coping tool for children living in the shadow of the disorder.”

Dr. Miki Polak, Psychiatrist

“This book is concise and as clear as a diamond,” says psychologist Michal Klarman, who adds: “As a psychologist who treats PTSD veterans and their families, I see the emotional precision with which the book depicts the distress felt by David, who doesn’t understand what’s going on, but feels his father’s emotional absence – and this is why I think this book is so important.”

The book is suitable for age 6+

מקט: 1-1070-2
“Why, Mommy, why? Why can’t I have friends over like everyone else? Why do all the other fathers laugh and […]

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