There’s finally a new prophet in Israel. Who was reborn on the day of the blood moon. That’s when he decided to go on a journey in the name of God To preach the Gospel of Peace.
At a time, when the hatred seems to increase each day
Let’s remember GOD once more and follow his commandments.
The time has come to redeem ourselves, because the sins of the world are grave.
Hear what he has to say to us: Man and woman will despise your faith. They will mock this gospel; they will deny it. Know this my son, many will call in the name of GOD, but few will be saved for their hearts are far from him.
Be sure to know, the people are not spiritual, they are a lovers of the materials. They seek what to eat but don't know they will poop it out later the day, it has no value. Only the spirit that lives inside. will stay forever and tomorrow it will rise again.
It’s only the true love for each other and the Father in Heaven will bring you the redemption, You’ve been waiting for over the years.
על נתן אור בן צבי

נתן אור בן צבי, יליד 1991, נולד בשם אור. בגיל 10 חזר בתשובה ואימו חלמה שסבו, בנימין אמבא ז״ל, קרא לו בשם נתן אור. לאחר לימודים בישיבת הסדר יצא בשאלה עם תהיות רבות על הדת ועל מהותה בחייו הפרטיים. בעל ... עוד >>
קטגוריות: עידן חדש
מקט: 001-3530-006
Babashuva C. Chapter 1:
1 And GOD spoke to me and said: Why there is no demander; Why there is no preacher, and why there is no prophet. 2 And my messenger will come to you and speak to my people by my command, and they have not heard. 3 And they will tell you that you are a false prophet. 4 Go and say to them: You are not a prophet and that you are not a son of a prophet. 5 And I will go and say to the people: I am not a prophet, and I am not a son of a prophet. 6 It is not a prophet who prophesied, but the Spirit of GOD fell on my face. 7 They heard my reproach that my words are the words of GOD, and I was called by his name. 8 And the Lord will put his words in my mouth, and I will speak to you the words of this exhortation. 9 And behold, the Spirit of GOD fell on my face, and I did as he commanded. 10 And I will see your evil deeds and my heart will awaken on me and I will not find rest for my soul. 11 And I will say in my life why GOD did not show his face to us? and why our prayers were answered emptily? 12 And I will follow the path like the rest of the people, and my face will fall to the ground, and why has GOD not dwelled in his inheritance. 13 From the pains of life I have been strike, and I see how GOD is denying me. 14 And I will pray to the heavens, and he answered nothing, and I will never give up on my prayer. 15 And there was in those days, and here the second intifada broke out, and I was an innocent child. 16 And I will walk on the Ben Yehuda pedestrian mall in Jerusalem and the lightning will strike me and I am nine years old. 17 And the proclamation proclaims his return to GOD that GOD is punishing us, and I will be anxious. 18 and says, If I do not repent, the twins will fall. 19 And here the twins fell after one year; And I'll see it on TV, and I'll be shocked. 20 And here my mother has a dream and in a dream my grandfather calls me by the name of NathanOr. 21 And tell me this, my mother, and we shall do as he commands, and they shall call me by the name of NathanOr; And my name is Or from my birthday. 22 And days and years will pass, and I am about twenty-six years old. 23 And I will go to proclaim my prophecy in the city of Be'er Sheva in the Land of Israel. 24 And here with a hard nape and frown; A divided and divided people present before me. 25 And I will show their great pride and behold their noses are raised to heaven. 26 And I will see the Arabs sitting and worn out, and I will see their garments and the fly that is imposed on them, and I will exalt a very great warmth in me; and why there is no peace in the country. 27 And I will fear for my life that the people will persecute your words, neither heard me nor see me. 28 And I will pray to you, and I will pray to the heavens. 29 How is that with those who have eyes for him, ears for him, head for him and mouth for him and he is not saved. 30 And behold the Spirit of the Lord fell on my face and I prophesied and could not bear the burden which is on my back because it is very heavy. 31 And I will go step by step and heavy on me I walked very much because the Spirit of GOD was sitting on my head. 32 And I will take in the hands of the objects of the earth and the objects of man, and I will go to ask for forgiveness from my haters. 33 And I will go with my burden on my back and the pain in my heart and soul for this evil generation, which the Lord has sent me; And when I walked, the sun blazing on me burned me and my body. 34 And I cried out to you because your sons do not listen to me, nor your rabbis they disobey me. 35 And I'll sit on the grass and I'll look up to heaven and I'll go down a death suffocation in my throat and I'll think I'll die. 36 And channel in me a fire that burns a soul which man has never known. 37 And I will be afraid of my death, and I will fear for my soul and that I will ascend to my abode in hell because many of my iniquities have been upon me. 38 And I will think that I am king, and I no longer feared my death; And I'll live, and I won't die. 39 And I shall drink from the fruit of heaven, and I shall rest and eat from the fruit of the earth, and I shall have to relax. 40 And I will see your deeds; eating meat subordinating; and enjoying yourselves and being seen as sinners before me; And why the animals became a product on the market. 41 And I will see the sky blue and calming as the sea; And the wind caresses my face. 42 And I will feel death in the depths of the earth, there is no life in them. 43 And the daughters of Zion passed before me, and I will see them and behold very beautiful and refined, and their faces shine like the sun, and the whiteness of their skin shines like a moon. 44 And I will see in the newspaper how Israel is destroying its land. 45 And now the days of being saved have ended because GOD has shown your sins before me. 46 And you will call me sick, and you are the sick ones; And here the Spirit of GOD fell on my face, and I will tell what I am proclaiming to you. 47 On the first day of August for the year two thousand and eighteen of the Gregorian calendar count foresaw this vision and not red from speaking. 48 I witnessed this vision as I walk and did not tell it to anyone. 49 And I saw what GOD wanted to say to me; For he saw that your sins were subordinating and enjoying yourselves, and I walked among you as a naked man without clothes. 50 And I will see the deeds of this evil generation; And their deeds were wicked in my eyes, and in the eyes of GOD for forgetting Him. 51 I did not know your sins because I stand with you in the mud; Until my eyes were opened. 52 GOD had for them to bother and burden and his commandments for punishment. 53 If I call to them for a repent, they did not return; And if I shout, they didn't hear either. 54 GOD lays dead on earth; Anyone who calls his name will be called sick. 55 And I will call me the angel lion because as a roaring lion I am in your hearts. 56 And an angel I will call to you; For I have chosen to mend your ways in secret as an angel. 57 Therefore, I have written this Book of the Law for the sake of their return to GOD. 58 And the act of a prophet for the sake of restoring the hearts of sons to their fathers; For all the other prophets prophesied in the name of the Lord and told the people their sins, I am also have done the same, and I will tell you your sins, but you will reject me with shame. 59 You do not believe in me and in your GOD and I was in your eyes like a madman, and I called you sick for your soul's hatred of GOD. 60 were removed from me because I did not want this; And why did your noses pierce me to shed free mental blood, and that you would say that you had plotted to speak in the name of GOD, that he had been beaten and killed 61 .I will preach to you my scroll, eat it and satiate, and if not; Lay down my soul, and you will no longer call me and you will not seek me, for I will leave my prophecy forever and forever, I will be silent from my prophecy and I will be old and I will die like the rest of the people. 62 You did not want me; you did not obey my reproach, because it is better for you the evil from the good. 63 Your deeds have been better, and I will atone for you, and I will give you this Book of the Torah. 64 And behold, your people desired silver and gold, and what more could you ask of me, Jehovah GOD; For their hearts are raised and they will follow the vanity and the void, and behold, the people of Israel have forgotten the good that You have given for them; And they said: There is no GOD with us anymore. 65 And here comes this drunkard in the name of GOD and will call before us our sins which we commit, and they will say: You have also sinned. 66 And I say to them: I have indeed sinned, but my heart was with GOD Where was your heart was when you sinned; Your heart is far from GOD and his word, and you will forget Him. 67 And what more of it, is; and what you will add revolt before the GOD whom you have left and which you have rejected in your hearts. 68 And you will reject, and you will not accept me; One of you I am, and you will consider me crazy. 69 We did not know, and we did not meet; We didn't speak nor talk. 70 What I have chosen and reproached with you; May I and your father be hidden to the vessels because they have rejected GOD from my power to save you and I will rest from my work, for a simple Jewish man is selfish. 71 And I have written you a new Torah; And I will say my words in ink and face in secret because I am humble. 72 The prophet on commandments will demand, on love will speak and peace will be sought. 73 And see how man rejects GOD; For he does not turn to religion either. 74 until and that the GOD of religion will go; On the blood of innocents arose. 75 And he went out to gossip as a fool in the people and to slander him, saying: This false man came to deny the Law of Moses and to correct it; Damn is. 76 And what do I do then? I have not come to correct this bad and evil generation; Sit you gossip fool and ignorant you man. 77 And what do I do, will you tell me; And that you will know what GOD has sent, unless you have known GOD and have not known His deeds and works. 78 In the words of your people, you also did not know a local and what my face would look like. 79 Israeli Jewish man I am circumcised, your brother I am. 80 A false prophet prophesies in his honor; And I hide to the dishes, why would you call me a false prophet and why would you think of pouring out free mental fees. 81 Be quiet about your actions; For I do not want to be a redeemer for a hard-nosed, frowning people. 82 I did not want in my prophecy that I would therefore live my life with GOD, for I love only GOD alone. 83 I have come to straighten your hearts to your father in heaven, And for no peace in the world really. 84 Who wishes to bless him for peace; And the laugher I will be looted. 85 How peace will come; Peace will come from the nations and not from me, it is your choice in which country you will live; In a land of peace or in a land of war. 86 For days will come and the Lord will no longer be called GOD, For if the father of all nations. 87 If you will love me and if you will listen to me well some of you and your inheritance; And if not, live your life and don't be bullied anymore. 88 Do not see me as a prophet; Do not see me as the Messiah; that I don't know. 89 And what else would be useful to lead a blind sheep walking in the dark. 90 And she is deaf, and she will become her shepherd who does not hear. 91 And all this shall be said by the whole house of Israel; Has GOD listened to our prayers; and what else will you tell us, what you never wanted to hear. 92 For no prophet is called a prophet unless he tries to restore the hearts of sons to their father in heaven.
היו הראשונים לכתוב תגובה למוצר: “BABASHUVA C”
יש להתחבר למערכת כדי לכתוב תגובה.
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